General Contractor · Construction Management · Design-Build · Developer
"Building Solutions for Your Building Needs"
Looking for a fully-bonded and insured company to tackle a large-scale construction project? Or do you have a small remodeling job you need help with? Get guaranteed quality results with AFE Construction because AFE stands for "Assurance For Excellence". We offer professional and reliable contracting services for a wide variety of residential and commercial needs, working with the dedication and craftsmanship that has earned us a reputation for excellence. Get in touch to get a quote today.

What We Offer
As a leader in the industry, we know what exceptional and reliable contracting means. We’re committed to providing clients with a wide range of services, all with guaranteed quality and precision. From the beginning stages of the project all the way to the completion of the process, we work side-by-side with clients every step of the way. Learn more below, and call us today for a consultation.